A Prescription for Accountable Healthcare
CPA MedNovations

Of the thousands of hospitals in the United States, some have large enough staffs to provide round-the-clock pharmacist coverage. More common, however, are those smaller and mid-sized healthcare facilities that lack the resources to support 24x7 coverage. The increased complexity of drug regimens coupled with pharmacist shortages at the facilities often result in higher costs, lower medical quality and heightened exposure to medication errors and adverse drug events.

Established in 2001, CPA MedNovations, a service of Clinical Pharmacy Associates, was a pioneer in the development and advancement of the practice of after-hours Telepharmacy and today is a nationally recognized leader in the category. The company provides hospitals and other healthcare institutions with a cost-effective way to address the growing demand for clinical pharmacists on a round-the-clock basis.

Among its many benefits, CPA MedNovations:
  • Enables hospitals and healthcare institutions to provide equal care day and night with thorough medication review
  • Significantly lowers the chance of medical error
  • Makes 24-hour coverage practical and cost-effective regardless of the size or type of the institution
  • Relieves nurses of extra work and pharmacists of extra shifts
  • Provides access to the most up-to-date information about drugs and drug therapies
  • Is available to answer doctors' and nurses' questions regarding drug interactions, side effects or the best course of drug treatment for a patient
  • Allows hospitals to comply with The Joint Commission's medication management standards and manage patient drug therapy safety

CPA MedNovations uses the latest in technology to connect to clients through secure virtual private networks (VPNs) over fast, T-1 telecommunications lines. It also has cable and telephonic back-up systems and full downtime procedures. The company's pharmacists and technicians work in a centralized information center with decentralized satellite operations that are fully staffed during its hours of operation and have built-in back-up staffing.

Headquartered in Maryland, the company operates in more than a dozen states and the District of Columbia. The majority of CPA MedNovations pharmacists possess federal clearance and clinical credentials.
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