Ensuring Satisfaction: Telepharmacy
As pioneers in the Telepharmacy business, CPA MedNovations knows that client satisfaction is the key to the success of your hospital and our company.
CPA MedNovations backs up the commitment made in developing the Telepharmacy solution with a commitment to your satisfaction. CPA MedNovations will be your trained and qualified staff. Your patients are our patients.
The impact is clear:
If you have to edit an order reviewed and entered by CPA MedNovations, you will not pay for the order.
If turnaround time is not achieved, you will receive a discount.
If you are not satisfied for any reason, CPA MedNovations will make it right. We invite you to call our President and Co-founder Ken Dandurand at (888) 745-0477 to find out the full details of our Satisfaction Guarantee.